FCWM Program Committee
One of the major responsibilities of professional divisions within the American Nuclear Society (ANS) is to provide a forum for technical discussions on topics of concern to the nuclear industry. This is accomplished through the presentation of papers and panels at either the two ANS national meetings or at more focused topical meetings. The Fuel Cycle and Waste Management Division (FCWM) supports technical sessions at both national meetings and is the major sponsor of topical meetings. The FCWM Program Committee is responsible for this aspect of the Division.
The FCWM Program Committee meets early both national meetings. Technical sessions and panel discussions for national meetings are established during the Program Committee Meeting that occurs two meetings prior to the meeting for which the sessions are planned.
The Program Committee meeting is open to all ANS members. Going to the Program Committee meeting is a great way to get started becoming active in FCWM. We welcome new faces at these meetings.
The Program Committee is also responsible for the topical meetings of the division. It makes recommendations on locations for topical meetings to the FCWM Executive Committee after reviewing proposals from local sections of ANS. The committee also has overall oversight for the technical contents of the meetings.
Awards And Scholarships Committees
The awards and scholarships committees within FCWMD encourages and evaluates nominations for the FCWMD awards and scholarships (see the awards page of this website). The Awards committee members include Ruth Weiner, Christina Leggett and Jinsuo Zhang. The scholarship committee members include Mary Lou Dunzik-Gougar, Bob Borrelli, and Jack Law.
Last modified March 28, 2024, 2:27pm CDT